Like you, we have a love of skating and hockey!
We are a group of community members who are working to bring a year round skating facility to the Columbia Gorge. Whether you are just following the project, are enthusiastically awaiting an announcement of the grand opening or you have the time and resources to make an ice rink in the gorge a reality - thank you for joining us!
The Columbia Gorge Skating Association
The Columbia Gorge Skating Association will explore state, federal and private funding for development of a skating faciliity in our community. The Columbia Gorge Skating Association in collaboration with regional governmental agencies, recreational partners , tribal nations, schools and private businesses, in order to provide recreational and organized sporting actvities. Including: public/recreational skating; learn to skate programs; youth and adult hockey programs/league play; figure skating programs; officials and coach development.
Help make it happen!
Please take a minute and complete this survey! Your input will help us show our partners, funders and stakeholders we all want this!